Dr. Jessica Peck is a professor, nurse practitioner, author, and mama who has written a book called Behind Closed Doors: A Guide to Help Parents and Teens Navigate Through Life’s Toughest Issues, and it is precisely that. It's an incredible resource that talks about what Jessica sees in her office with parents and kids and teens of varying ages as well as in her own home. We are going to talk about A LOT of things today and some of them may feel kind of scary, or uncomfortable. Still, the goal of this conversation is to learn how to engage in very uncomfortable things in a “quasi-comfortable” or at the very least approachable way. Things like the mental health crisis in this country among young people, the effects of social media, living at the speed of a smartphone, conversations surrounding suicide, the drive to be perfect, and more.

The goal is not for those of us who love young people as parents, ministers, doctors, nurses, teachers, coaches, aunts, uncles, or whoever you are to be scared of the world that young people are facing but to remember the hope we have in Jesus no matter what happens in this world. AND through people like Dr. Peck, we can be empowered with knowledge and equip us for what may lay ahead.

I am so hopeful that you find something in this conversation for you and your relationship with the young people in your life. We cannot protect them from everything. We will not do this perfectly. But we can build healthy, honest, relationships with the young people and teenagers in our life. Remember: it is never too late to redeem a relationship, ask for forgiveness, or to change the trajectory of our decisions. I hope you find hope in that today. The Lord is not finished with your story. He has plans for a hopeful future for you, and He will carry them out until the very end. You matter, and your story matters.

*Connecting with Dr. Jessica Peck:








-“Jumani”- THE OG!!

-Simone Biles’ mental health decision at the Olympics

-University of Tennessee of the 90’s

-Eye contact secretes oxcytocin

-My instagram live with Dr. Peck about Sex Trafficiking 

-Human trafficking resource

-Signs of sex trafficking

-Lunchbox questions for kids/teens

-Lunchbox jokes Harry Potter and Star Wars (Pinterest is a gold mine!) 

-Cece Winans’ “Goodness of God”

-Pediatric Clinic in India through Baylor

Scripture References:

Ephesians 6:10-18-put on the full of armor of God

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8- -there is a time to reap and a time to sow

Lamentations 3:22–33; Psalm 30; 2 Corinthians 8:1–9-God’s mercies are new every single morning

Ezekiel 37:1-14-God’s power can raise bones from the desert

2 Corinthians 12:9-God’s power is made known in our weakness

John 16:33-In this world we will have trouble, but God

Psalm 84:11- No good thing will God withhold from me 

Jeremiah 29:11 The Lord has plans for a hopeful future for you

Philippians 1:6- He will complete the work He began in you 

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Connecting with Emily and Simply Stories Podcast:
Instagram (Em life // Podcast Life)

Twitter Mentions