I’m excited to start this holy week off with this sweet and encouraging episode with Will and Courtney Kassner. Will and Courtney are the writers and creators behind Crew & Co. which is their ministry and shop full of products to invite beauty into the lives of families and make Scripture a practical part of their daily lives. Recently, they released their first children’s book called When the World Wakes Up, and my daughter Nora Beth hopped on this interview to share her thoughts and ask her questions about the beautiful book! They shared with us how God inspired the story from a moment with Will and his kids, and the beauty of God sharing that moment with them. It is a visually stunning book and a sweet story that invites kids to add their voice to the Kingdom of God.

In that same vein, we’ll talk in this conversation about how God takes the dreams and gifts we have and think they’ll become one thing, and He has a good plan and a purpose for all of it that we can’t even imagine because ministry comes in so many shapes and forms. We all have unique gifts to offer the world. Satan tries his hardest to shut us up but calls us to use our voice and gifts in the way He made us to.

During a week where Jesus went into Jerusalem with a much bigger plan for the world and the Kingdom of God than we could ever dream of, it feels right to start with that word of encouragement, to us big kids, but especially to young hearts in a big scary world. I hope after hearing this conversation that you feel encouraged to use your voice, whatever that looks like. Create the art. Write the story. Encourage the neighbor. Have the conversation you’ve been putting off. Who knows what the Lord will do with it? No matter where you are today, I hope that you know that you matter, and your story matters.

Connecting with Will & Courtney + Crew & Co. 

Book: When the World Wakes Up

Crew & Co.





Episode Sponsor: Tony Crabtree of Crabtree Homes with Exit Realty



Tik Tok 




-The animals on “Bambi” were twitterpated lol 

-Young Life

-His Kids Company - Placemats 

-Example of devotions Will writes on the Crew & Co. Instagram 

-Their intern singing on Instagram (Emma & Annabeth!)

-” The Chosen” - Episode “Two by Two”

-Ellie Holcolmb’s “Sing: Creation Songs” album – this is a great resource to compliment the Kassner’s book!

-Crew & Co. encouragement boxes


Scripture References:

Psalm 118:24-This is the day the Lord has made 

Romans 12-Ministry comes in so many shapes and forms 

Proverbs 3:5-7, Joel 2:13, James 4:10-Submitting our heart to the Lord to see what He’ll do with it

Hebrews 10:24-25-Spur one another one in good deeds 

Matthew 10:1; Luke 6:12–13; Mark 6:7–13; Luke 9:1–2- Jesus sends out the disciples two by two

Colossians 3:17,23, Romans 11:33-36-Worship is all of what we do

1 Peter 4:10-We are recipients and stewards of God’s grace

Lamentations 3:22-23-New mercies every morning 

Genesis 1-2, John 1:1-5, Colossians 1:16-God is the one who created us all 

Romans 8:22-The whole world longs for God and to be made right

Psalm 19:1-The heavens declare the glory of God

1 Corinthians 12:1-11-Using our gifts for God

Exodus 31-37-Creating the Tabernacle in the wilderness

Psalm 27:13-The good is not over

Psalm 16:11, Psalm 30:5-There is still joy 

Genesis 50:20-What the enemy meant for evil God can use for good

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