If you think you don’t have control, think again! Feeling like we have lack of control will leave us feeling like we can’t take action, that no matter what we do it won’t make a difference. In this episode I’m going to show you how to start taking control of yourself, your life, and your emotions, so that you get more say in how you feel and live! Control isn’t an illusion, practicing it is how we improve our mental health.


In today’s episode we dive deeper into:


The biggest mistake people make with taking control of their lives. The key to breaking B.A.D. habits. How repetition builds control. Exercising control in your everyday life.


Go Deeper:

Have a question about an episode, your personal experience with the B.A.D., or for me in general? I’d love to answer it! Simply submit it here -- www.simplyoli.com/question  Want to learn more about my signature program Beat The B.A.D.? -- www.simplyoli.com/btb Want to learn how to instantly control your emotions, have more positive language, or meditate easily anywhere? I have these FREE RESOURCES and more right here -- www.simplyoli.com/tools  Get weekly pep talks and insight from yo’ girl sent right to you by signing up for the SimplyOli Mailing List here -- www.simplyoli.com/email Say hi, learn more, and see behind the scenes by following on @therealsimplyoli on Instagram 


Appreciate and love you so much! Thank you for taking the time to listen! If you enjoyed the episode, please let me know by leaving a review on iTunes! Xxx


Music: djquads