We all want more energy, the question is how much energy will you spend trying to get more energy? Inside, you'll learn the one thing you need to change to get more energy instantly. 

Do you want more energy? Welcome to the club they say - but what if I told you it wasn't an exclusive club but inclusive? Inside I share the one thing you need to change to get more energy instantly. 

Energy has been my focus for the last year. After years and years and years of nutrition work, studying, questioning, more questions, and more studying why we haven't settled on anything that works for the majority of people in the health space - I was determined to uncover something that would. 

That's when I came face to face with the concept of energy. 

I know the word energy can feel a little woo-woo, especially in the faith space. It seems bizarre to talk about energy as the driving force of health, happiness, and joy. But I promise you're going to want to hear me out, especially today as I talk about the overarching determining factor of your health - that is your beliefs. 

Inside today's podcast, I share the one thing you need to change to get more energy instantly. You will learn how your beliefs determine your thoughts, which are the driving force behind your actions. How our beliefs dictate how much energy you have and what you can do to transform your health. 


Learn more: https://simplerootswellness.com/220