What if you didn't need another diet, you just needed more energy? Inside this post, I share how you how to boost energy to lose weight and get healthy.


Exhausted? Welcome to the world of adulting! It feels like a right of passage in today's world, but this concept of energy is more valuable than we give it credit. It's not something to brush off and learning to boost your energy could be the very thing that helps you lose weight and get healthy. 

Welcome to the healthy energy series - the place where I talk in-depth about energy and how to get more of it. It is the very topic that we hear little about and yet ends the confusion. 

If you want to get healthy - you must know about energy, and that is what this entire series is for - understanding how you can move from energy debt into abundance. 

Today on the podcast, we are diving into the concept of energy, what energy means, how to measure it in the body and determine if you're living in energy debt or abundance. 

On the show, we talk about energy abundance - which sounds a little fishy right off of the bat. While scarcity is prevalent, it doesn't mean it's normal, and that is what we break down today on the podcast. 


Learn more: https://simplerootswellness.com/219