Living to 100 and getting my telegram from the Queen (actually it’ll probably be a king by then) has never really interested me that much. On the other hand, living until I’m in my mid 80’s and still having a full and active life - working, travelling, hanging out with friends, riding my bike - now that does interest me. I think I’ve said before that the triathletes I see crossing the Ironman finish line aged 80+ are a real inspiration. There is actually a term for living a healthy and active final stage of life and then passing away after a very short illness. It's called 'morbidity compression’ and today’s guest is an expert on how we can make this happen.

Dr. Paul Clayton is a  clinical pharmacologist and pharmaco-nutritionist. He states, “I obsess about food, nutrition and health so that you don't have to”.  I don’t think I need to remind you that in recent years I’ve become much more focussed on health, and how nutrition plays a big part in this and subsequently in our athletic performance.  According to Dr. Clayton, we (as humans in the western world) are much less healthy than the mid Victorian navigators (the labourers who dug the canals and railways by hand). In fact, the Victorians were poster models for morbidity compression, with males enjoying life spans very smilier to our own but being healthy and active for much much longer.

If you are interested in the actions that you can take to live a full and active life, then you’ll find many simple ideas in this podcast as we chat about:

Why your athletic performance will always be sub-optimal if your nutrition is below par
The Victorian navigator daily workload and why it would cripple most 21st century humans
What your grandmother had in common with Hippocrates
Why you should get an allotment
You’ve finished an Ironman, but are you really that healthy?
Dr. Clayton’s top tips on how to live a healthy and active old age
Some advice for those who work night shifts, especially rotating shift patterns
Why you should avoid the medical profession if you want to live long and healthy

To follow Dr. Paul Clayton the best place is his website,

And you should definitely visit the Blog page on Paul’s website HERE as well as the page titled ‘White Papers”  including the subject matter for this podcast

Health Extension - a better road to life extension

Dr. Clayton has written 5 books

Strengthening your Immune system - How to fight infection, allergy and auto-immune disease

Let Food be your Pharmaco-Nutrition

After Atkins and other low carb diets

Out of the Fire - why chronic inflammation is the root of all disease, and how to put out the flames

Health Defence - how nutrition is the key to a maximum healthy lifespan

We also talked about the working life and diet of the Mid Victorians. You can read more about those in these 3 papers, titled “An unsuitable and degraded diet? . . “

Part one: public health lessons from the mid-Victorian working class diet

Part two: realities of the mid-Victorian diet

Part three: Victorian consumption patterns and their health benefits

For more information on health protocols, please email [email protected]

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For any questions please email [email protected]