Simon is once again joined by Steve Lumley and Marc Laithwaite as the Grumpy Old Coaches reunite for a fourth podcast. This time they are answering questions sent in by listeners and members of our Facebook tribe.  As promised, there are no holds barred so if you asked a silly question be prepared for a silly answer. Of course, the GOC’s do have a sensible side and still manage to retain some professional dignity when answering your serious questions.  In this episode:

Marc explains why he was imitating Magnum PI by wearing a blonde wig
Simon finds out he’s not as popular as he thought as he gets left off the desert island invites
Marc travels back in time to advise his younger coaching self not to be such a cocky, know it all
Advice on how to avoid low back pain and saddle sores on your TT bike
How to be faster in transition
The GOC’s fess up on their biggest ever mistakes in racing
How to pace your race if you have no power meter
Peeing on the bike during a race - yes or no?
Which bad habits of triathletes wind our coaches up the most?
Simon reveals what he was thinking when riding up Hovis Hill

Here are some links that we made reference to during today’s episode

Simon riding up Gold Hill, Shaftesbury, made famous in the Hovis advert

Magnum PI does Ironman (be warned, It's dubbed in German. Maybe someone knew the Germans would dominate Hawaii one.)

TrainingPeaks article by Dr Andy Kirkland on The Dunning Kruger effect referred to by Marc

Asker Jeukendrup website MySportScience, referred to by Steve

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For any questions please email [email protected]