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344 episodes - English - Latest episode: 2 months ago - ★★★★★ - 19 ratings

Add one part news, one part bad jokes, one part Wikipedia research, one part cult references from spending too much time on the internet, one part Wodehouse quotes, and one part quality puns, and you get Simblified.

A weekly podcast to help you appear smarter, to an audience that knows no less! Your four hosts - Chuck, Naren, Srikeit and Tony attempt to deconstruct topics with humour (conditions apply). Fans of the show have described it as "fun conversations with relatable folks", "irreverent humour", "the funniest thing to come out of Malad West" and "if I give you a good review will you please let me go".

Started in 2016 as a creative outlet, Simblified now has over 200 episodes, including some live ones, and some with guests who are much smarter than the hosts. Welcome to the world of Simblified!

You can contact the hosts on:

Chuck: /

Naren: /

Tony: /

Srikeit: /

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Ep. 136: Anthropocene Now

June 03, 2019 00:30 - 11 minutes - 10.9 MB

After a long rally of 'yes-it-has's and 'oh-really-I-don't-think-so's, scientists have finally agreed that we are now in a new geological epoch which recognizes that humans have significantly changed earth with their activities. Join your Simblified hosts as they delve into what the Anthropocene epoch is and the latest dope on all the happenings. NEW TO SIMBLIFIED? It's an Indian podcast - probably the best to come from Malad West - that takes things that happen around us, and deconstructs...

Ep. 135: Fantastic beasts and their bullsh*t stories

May 27, 2019 00:30 - 53 minutes - 48.7 MB

In the 'footsteps' of the Indian army's recent Yeti discovery, we decided to delve deeper into the world of mythical beasts called Cryptids. Join the Simblified trio as they look at the legends and elaborate hoaxes surrounding the Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot and even the Monkey-Man of Delhi. NEW TO SIMBLIFIED? It's an Indian podcast - probably the best to come from Malad West - that takes things that happen around us, and deconstructs them in a language you can understand, often surmounting...

Ep. 134: Wikileaks is the same as Wikipedia. NOT.

May 20, 2019 00:30 - 16 minutes - 15 MB

Julian Assange has been in the news recently - he got arrested after riding a skateboard around in the place that was actually sheltering him from arrest for a rape case, while in parallel, the US wanted to have a chat with him about all those top secret military documents that he leaked. Woah, that's a lot to take in. So let's break things down for you. 4 essential questions, 1 Simblified Shortie. 1. Are Wikileaks and Wikipedia the same thing? (spoiler alert: No) 2. Are Wikileaks & Anonymou...

Ep. 133: Black holes & why they're so darn important

May 13, 2019 00:30 - 34 minutes - 31.5 MB

You've probably seen THAT photograph. So, why are black holes so important? Why's this fuzzy little picture of some distant faraway thingummy sending scientists and all those smart people into a frenzy? Well, it's complicated, but thankfully the Simblified gang have watched several Youtube videos and attempt to explain it to you with some signature "humour". We look at how some Hydrogen atoms in outer space get really horny, get it on, form stars, which eventually implode and form black hole...

Ep. 132: The science in Avengers: Endgame

May 06, 2019 00:30 - 19 minutes - 18.3 MB

WARNING: Moderate spoilers in this episode! Ideally best listened after (or during) watching the movie. So, Endgame. There's a ton of characters, emotion and history in there. And, like all superhero movies, there's a fair bit of liberty taken on the factual or scientific part of things, which doesn't mean we can't deep dive! In particular, the Thanos snap in Infinity War that wiped out half of all life (oops, spoiler for that movie - but if you haven't seen that by now, you probably don't...

Ep. 131: Artist Management & setting up music properties with Romario

April 29, 2019 07:00 - 39 minutes - 36.2 MB

Ever been to a music gig and wondered how it all came together? Look at the artists on stage - how did they get there? Do they just ring up the venue? Do the venues call them? Do bands have an "HR"? What does being an artist involve? Just play in your bedroom, upload on YouTube, become famous, play at gigs and have fans at your feet? Well - sort of, but there's a lot in between. To unravel that, we have Romario Rodrigues joining Chuck & Naren in the studio as we aim to 'simblify' artist ma...

Ep. 130: Make fransip with Orkut again!

April 22, 2019 00:30 - 19 minutes - 18 MB

Remember Orkut? Well, of course you do - but mostly as a joke. The truth is, a lot of Indians' experience with social media is actually incomplete without Orkut. One such Indian is Shri N. Shenoy, who - shock, horror, has never been on said platform. So Chuck and IVM Podcasts producer Abbas Momin (filling in for an absconding Srikeit) try to tell him what he's been missing out on. If you liked this shortie, write us a testimonial. NEW TO SIMBLIFIED? It's an Indian podcast - probably the be...

Ep. 129: What it takes to make the Indian elections happen

April 15, 2019 00:30 - 35 minutes - 32.5 MB

Happy election season! In this strictly non-political episode (we value our heads and studio), Chuck & Naren talk about the massive machinery it takes to get 90 crore people out there and voting. We look at what all the Election Commission has to do to ensure fair and free elections (at most times, despite political parties). Join in and may the least bad party win! NEW TO SIMBLIFIED? It's an Indian podcast - probably the best to come from Malad West - that takes things that happen around ...

Ep. 128: How does the internet travel around the world?

April 08, 2019 00:30 - 16 minutes - 15.5 MB

In our last episode, we looked at the differences between the internet and the WWW. In this episode, we take things a step further by figuring out how exactly Facebook & Google, located in California - comes here to India. The answer, it turns out, is through a series of really long underwater cables, each of which is thinner than your hair (really!). The Simblified trio tell you all you need to know about how the internet whizzes around the world, in this shortie. Enjoy! NEW TO SIMBLIFIED...

Ep. 128: How does the internet travel around the world?

April 08, 2019 00:30 - 16 minutes - 15.4 MB

In our last episode, we looked at the differences between the internet and the WWW. In this episode, we take things a step further by figuring out how exactly Facebook & Google, located in California - comes here to India. The answer, it turns out, is through a series of really long underwater cables, each of which is thinner than your hair (really!). The Simblified trio tell you all you need to know about how the internet whizzes around the world, in this shortie. Enjoy! NEW TO SIMBLIFIED...

Ep. 127: Are the internet and WWW the same thing? (spoiler alert: no)

April 01, 2019 00:30 - 55 minutes - 51 MB

Recently, the internet celebrated its 30th birthday! Or wait, was it the world wide web? Wait. What's the difference? Is there a difference? Are Vincent Cerf & Tim Berners-Lee the same person? What on earth is TCP/IP? Ok, ok, be calm. Our trio attempts to help you answer all these questions and more, taking you on a cyber-history tour. And well... There are jokes. Some very bad ones. Sorry in advance. PS: In the episode, we talk about an ad in the early 80s which talked about commercial em...

Ep. 126: The pettiest (and funniest) war in the world

March 25, 2019 00:30 - 20 minutes - 18.6 MB

In this age of global strife, mass migration, fake news and orange oafs as presidents, we address the most important conflict of humankind. Pewdiepie vs T-series. Tune in to this Simblified shortie about this ridiculous feud for YouTube subscribers between a YouTuber from Sweden and NOIDA's finest export since... roads. NEW TO SIMBLIFIED? It's an Indian podcast - probably the best to come from Malad West - that takes things that happen around us, and deconstructs them in a language you can...

Ep. 57 (Rebroadcast): How Ad Films Work: A Chat with Dharam Valia

March 18, 2019 00:30 - 52 minutes - 48.5 MB

Today, we rebroadcast one of our favourite interviews: Dharam Valia, who heads an awesome production house based out of Mumbai. Regular programming commences next week! While the film world has lights, camera, action... The advertising world has brief, PPT, ad (roughly). Some ads are better than others. Some of them are so well shot that you might actually stop in wonder and think how they were made (you know, a lot like films themselves). This week, we look at how exactly this is done....

Ep. 125: So, what happens after you flush?

March 11, 2019 00:30 - 13 minutes - 12.7 MB

Right, there's no easy or clean way of saying this: We're going to look at what happens to your poo after it leaves you... r toilet bowl. It undergoes quite a journey before making its way back into (and you knew this would happen) fertilizer for your food or water you drink (sorry!). After this shortie, you will gain new found respect for sewage treatment plants! Enjoy. NEW TO SIMBLIFIED? It's an Indian podcast - probably the best to come from Malad West - that takes things that happen ar...

Ep. 124: Can someone explain this GDPR thing?

March 04, 2019 00:30 - 35 minutes - 32.2 MB

Recently, you might have heard of something called the GDPR. It has something to do with the Russians, right? Well, no. Well, not entirely, anyway. The GDPR is a massive law that protects Europeans' data from companies that would like to peddle off the fact that you have a predeliction of ordering ice-cream at 2 AM (heh) to some company for a quick buck. And Google's been very evil and is being fined 50 million Euros. So the Simblified trio (duo actually, Naren wasn't there) have a look at...

Ep. 123: The Union close to being Jacked

February 25, 2019 00:30 - 51 minutes - 47.4 MB

On this episode of Simblified, Chuck and Srikeit (Naren was missing, presumably fulfilling his duties as Malad's Batman), check on the progress of Brexit - Britain's hilariously botched attempt of trying to leave the European Union. With just about a month left to the exit deadline and with no deal to gracefully exit anywhere on the horizon, we discuss the potential options for how Brexit may pan out. Almost all options involve Britain comically shooting themselves in the foot so join in for...

Ep. 122: Do we really need civics? Ft. Meghnad & Shreyas from "How to Citizen"

February 18, 2019 00:30 - 58 minutes - 53.4 MB

Yes, back in school, Civics was like the token black guy of social studies. Who had time to learn about elected officials while deciduous trees and various dates were waiting to be mugged up! But as we grow older, wiser and more responsible, we find ourselves using the things we were supposed to study in 7th standard more and more useful (no, trigonometry, not you). Meghnad and Shreyas, hosts of a new podcast called "How to Citizen" tell us about this and how we can become better citizens ...

Ep. 121: Extradition - what exactly does it mean?

February 11, 2019 00:30 - 18 minutes - 17.2 MB

Eating very less? No. That's extra diet. Ooh, more parliament in Japan? No, that's extra Diet. Something a factory worker says about aluminium going through a cast? No, that's extrude it. Send a criminal back to the country where he committed that crime? Ah, now we're talking. Sort of. In this shortie (where Chuck forgot to insert all the above jokes), the trio looks at what extradition means, why it's not very easy to get its biggest superstars like Vijay Mallya and Mehul Choksi on trial....

Ep. 19 (Rebroadcast): With @MohanK. Holy wow, we have a PhD in Maths on the show!

February 04, 2019 00:30 - 37 minutes - 34.6 MB

We were too lazy to record this week, so here's a rebroadcast of an old episode - one of our favourite interviews, with someone who, for some reason, decided to go and do a PhD in mathematics. He tells us what he does, why maths as a career, and makes SEVERAL poor jokes along the way. Ep. 19: We have a very unique guest on the show - one of our closest friends - Mohan Krishnamoorthy (@mohank). He's a - get this - PhD in mathematics. No no no! Don't turn off the episode just yet. He's a ton...

Ep. 120: We are all about VR today! Ft. Vyaas Shenoy

January 28, 2019 00:30 - 41 minutes - 37.7 MB

Virtual Reality is big - and that's, well, reality. Don't take our word for it, take CES' - look at the sheer number of products being revealed each year at the tech extravaganza by giant companies. And if you don't want to take their word for it, then how about taking the word of someone who's worked in this nascent industry? Joining the Simblified trio this week is Vyaas Shenoy - son of Narendra! Young Vyaas tells us about his experience in the field and the potential - right from medicine...

Ep. 119: New Horizons: A look at that thing that visited Pluto (And more)

January 21, 2019 00:30 - 33 minutes - 30.9 MB

In 2006, NASA sent a space probe with the ambitious idea of photographing Pluto. Not just did it do that, it also crossed something called Ultima Thule, the furthest body ever visited by something man-made. This is a spectacular feat of engineering (almost as good as the IVM folks managing to make this podcast sound decent after all our rambling). So why space exploration? Why Pluto? What next? Can Chuck make a pun on 'Alpha Centauri'? For the answers for all these, join in as the Simblified...

Ep. 118: What are New Year celebrations about?

January 14, 2019 00:30 - 21 minutes - 19.6 MB

Happy new year! Unless, of course, you're one of those cultures that celebrates your new year in March, April, August, October... Yes, the "Jan 1" thing is a relatively recent phenomenon thanks to Roman Calendars (thanks, Julius, as Asterix would say). On this shortie, the Simblified trio look at New Year cultures around the world and some things people around the world do to bring it in, apart from going for loud parties which invariably will have "Ishq Tera Tadpave" at some point. NEW TO...

Ep. 117: Simblified Year-End "Chit-Chat" with Tony - Part 3

January 07, 2019 00:30 - 42 minutes - 38.9 MB

Hey! It's the first Simblified episode of the new year - but it's the same format as the last two. We pick topics out of a hat, and talk about what happened in 2018, and what 2019 holds. It's part punditry, part talking out of a hat, literally. This is also the latest that we've ever recorded an episode, so apologies for the yawns (ours, not yours!). The Simblified trio is joined by the sagacious Tony Sebastian, who co-authors a weekly satirical newsletter, The Third Slip (along with Chuck...

Ep. 116: Simblified Year-End "Chit-Chat" with Tony - Part 2

December 31, 2018 00:30 - 46 minutes - 42.4 MB

Enjoyed our last episode? You'd better, because you're getting more of the same. The Simblified recap of a tumultuous year continues with part 2 of... well, you'll find out. Happy New Year! The Simblified trio is joined by the sagacious Tony Sebastian, who co-authors a weekly satirical newsletter, The Third Slip (along with Chuck) as they pick topics out of a hat (headphone case actually) and talk about what happened in 2018, and what 2019 holds. 50% bleak, 40% optimism, 10% jokes. Maybe. ...

Ep. 115: Simblified Year-End "Chit-Chat" with Tony - Part 1

December 24, 2018 00:30 - 50 minutes - 46.6 MB

Well, that's been a fun year, hasn't it? Who can say bad things about a year where we had rising populism, climate change neglect, growing legitimacy for idiot rulers... As long as we have an internet-connected toilet bowl at the end of it! The Simblified trio is joined by the sagacious Tony Sebastian, who co-authors a weekly satirical newsletter, The Third Slip (along with Chuck) as they pick topics out of a hat (headphone case actually) and talk about what happened in 2018, and what 2019...

Ep. 114: The RBI-Government tug of war

December 17, 2018 00:30 - 50 minutes - 46.1 MB

The past weeks saw an uncharacteristically public spat between the Government and the RBI over who calls the shots over banking and money supply. The RBI doesn't want to pump in money into the economy. The government desperately needs it to. Join your simblifiers as they wade through deep waters to fish out the truth Disclaimer: This episode was recorded before RBI governor Urjit Patel's sudden resignation NEW TO SIMBLIFIED? It's an Indian podcast - probably the best to come from Malad W...

Ep. 113: Why are the California wildfires so enormous?

December 10, 2018 00:30 - 14 minutes - 13.7 MB

For a fire that had the most innocuous sounding name - its official name is Campfire - the recent forest fire that hit northern California was devastating. Join your simblifiers Naren, Srikeit and Chuck as they take a closer look at how devastating it was and why NEW TO SIMBLIFIED? It's an Indian podcast - probably the best to come from Malad West - that takes things that happen around us, and deconstructs them in a language you can understand, often surmounting several puns and PG Wodehou...

Ep. 112: The most isolated tribe in the world

December 03, 2018 00:30 - 47 minutes - 44 MB

No this episode is not about Simblified listeners. Rather it's about a bunch of Indians who live in the North Sentinel island in the Andamans. They've recently been in the news for re-acquainting a Christian missionary with God when he tried to convert them. We attempt to simblify this 21st century stone age community's habits, language and of course, the so-called civilised world's rather uncivil behaviour with them. NEW TO SIMBLIFIED? It's an Indian podcast - probably the best to come fr...

Ep. 71: (Rebroadcast) What Goes Behind Mood Indigo?

November 26, 2018 00:30 - 48 minutes - 44.4 MB

Every year, thousands... Lakhs, actually, of people look forward to IIT Bombay's annual cultural festival in December, Mood Indigo. It's a massive show that sees engineering students (and then some) from all over briefly forgetting Fermat and Mass Transfer and focusing on rock shows, events and informals. As one can imagine, pulling off an event of such scale is a huge process that starts way back in April itself. Simblified speaks to Karan and Chaitanya from the current Mood Indigo organisi...

Ep. 111: Everything you wanted to know about Indipop - with Atul Churamani

November 19, 2018 00:30 - 58 minutes - 53.5 MB

Everyone remembers the Golden Indipop era fondly. Starting with Baba Seghal & Alisha, through to its peak of Silk Route & Sonu Nigam's pre-Bollywood excursions, to Bhangra-fuelled anthems, to an arguably inevitable decline. Everyone has a kvlt favourite (ours is Paisa by Agosh!). To talk about Indipop - why it came about, how it grew & matured (and, well, immatured) and why we don't have a 'scene' today, the Simblified trio speaks to Atul Churamani. Atul was an important part of the Indipop ...

Ep. 110: Can we really suck Carbon (and other bad things) out of the air?

November 12, 2018 00:30 - 13 minutes - 12.2 MB

In the last episode, we Simblified climate change (spoiler alert if you haven't heard it: It's real. Climate change, not our episode. Though... That's also real but shockingly less terrible for the world). This week, we look at various techniques that have been discussed for removing carbon from the atmosphere. We've all thought putting a giant vacuum cleaner in public places should do the trick, right? There are several other ways too... And while there's been massive progress, none of them...

Ep. 109: Yep, we're all screwed: The UN Report on Climate Change says so

November 05, 2018 00:30 - 43 minutes - 40.3 MB

Enjoy yourselves, we've got till about 2040 for that. After that, says the most comprehensive climate change study yet, we're pretty dang screwed if we can't contain rising temperatures to 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels. People from Mumbai might scoff at a mere 1.5-degree rise, but unlike cheap engineering colleges, every degree here matters. The Simblified trio breaks things down for you - but now as well as how the world will break down in 2 decades... Yeah, this episode is not ex...

Ep. 108: This is Snot - a Shortie

October 29, 2018 00:30 - 12 minutes - 11.9 MB

The humble booger has been the theme of juvenile jokes (some of which we crack as well), but nasal mucus is quite a fascinating thing. Join your Simblified hosts as they embark on the discovery of... snot. NEW TO SIMBLIFIED? It's an Indian podcast - probably the best to come from Malad West - that takes things that happen around us, and deconstructs them in language you can understand, often surmounting several puns and PG Wodehouse references along the way. We aim to make you appear smart...

Ep. 107: How China is (kinda) taking over the world

October 22, 2018 00:30 - 42 minutes - 38.6 MB

While Trump is being a bit of an arse trying to alienate everyone, China is busy making friends. Specifically, it's going out and building ports and roads and stuff everywhere. How nice of them! Or... Is it? China's 'infrastructure diplomacy' comes with a huge terms-and-conditions-apply. The Simblified trio unravel all this on the latest episode, while making several bad jokes along the way. NEW TO SIMBLIFIED? It's an Indian podcast - probably the best to come from Malad West - that take...

Ep. 106: Firehose of Falsehoods

October 15, 2018 00:30 - 44 minutes - 40.6 MB

Ever wonder why JNU is such a big issue when there is never any proof? Or why so much conversation about Trump's inauguration crowd sizes when obviously the grounds were empty? We live in an era of deception and blatant lying by those in power. In these bleak times, our Simblified trio attempt to understand the new vehicle of the post truth era - Firehosing. We attempt to understand the modus operandi and characteristics of how those in power try to mislead the masses and how we can look thr...

Ep. 105: Wounds and Healing

October 08, 2018 00:30 - 17 minutes - 15.9 MB

in this shortie, your hosts simblify the magical processes by which wounds heal themselves. Excepting of course the wounds that your brain might suffer because of the terrible jokes. But we've tried to keep those to a minimum. NEW TO SIMBLIFIED? It's an Indian podcast - probably the best to come from Malad West - that takes things that happen around us, and deconstructs them in language you can understand, often surmounting several puns and PG Wodehouse references along the way. We aim to ...

Ep. 104: Oil's Well that Doesn't End Well: What Determines Petrol Prices?

October 01, 2018 00:30 - 41 minutes - 37.9 MB

As the petrol price is about to raise its bat to the pavilion as it nears its much-awaited century, Indians must be wondering... Hey, if oil around the world is getting cheaper, why are we paying more? (The more bhakt-oriented among us might argue that this is our way of swimming against the tide). In truth, oil prices worldwide are not as straightforward as your economics professor would like - there's a lot of geopolitics involved. In this rather gassy episode, our Simblified trio break do...

Ep. 103: (Visarjan Special Shortie!) Eco-Friendly Ganeshas: What's that all about?

September 24, 2018 00:30 - 18 minutes - 16.9 MB

It's submerjan time! The annual festival celebrated in the name of the Hindu pachyderm-headed God, Ganesha involves dunking decorated idols into water bodies. And while it's likely that the average Simblified listener is more likely to be listening to a podcast than throwing Gods into the Sea (good name for a novel!), it's a good time to look at the trend of 'eco-friendly Ganeshas'. Does a more organic idol pollute less? Is this a fringe trend or something sustainable? Join Chuck, Naren and ...

Ep. 102: Pride, Simblified - A Look at Section 377 Which is now History

September 17, 2018 00:30 - 44 minutes - 40.9 MB

On 6 September, India took a massive step forward when the regressive Section 377 (a law that has its roots in the 14th century!) was scrapped, giving members of the LGBTQ community recognition. It's not the end of the battle, and there's a long way to go before they have other rights the rest of us take for granted - such as unions & marriage - not to mention acceptance by society at large and bigoted uncles on Whatsapp Family groups. The Simblified trio look at the history of the law, an...

Ep. 101: Window Shopping: European Football Transfer Windows Explained

September 10, 2018 00:30 - 16 minutes - 15 MB

Football (or Soccer as the ingrates across the Atlantic call it) sees some ridiculous amounts of money thrown around. Like PSG paid €198 million (over 1700 crore INR) for Neymar but despite spending the annual GDP of a smallish country for a bloke who can kick a ball somewhat well, they can only make the transfer during a specific window of 3 months - which is the football transfer window. Join the Simblified trio is understanding the quirks of how the transfer window rules work across Europ...

Ep. 100: #Simblified100 the Live Recording feat. Amit Varma and Varun Duggirala

September 03, 2018 00:30 - 1 hour - 110 MB

Woohooo! We collectively raise our podcasting bats towards the crowd, who we affectionately call the MBA of Simblified listeners (to recall the collective term). For we have reached our century! To celebrate, we did a live recording at Doolally, Khar on Aug 25! What's more shocking is that people actually turned up to see us make total arses of ourselves! It was a fabulous couple of hours, and you get here is an edited version of the show. We talk about fake news - the history, the origi...

Ep. 99: How Many Calories Do We Burn Staying Alive?

August 13, 2018 00:30 - 47 minutes - 43.4 MB

A surprising amount of energy is spent just keeping the engine of life inside you going. And a fair bit of that is used up just digesting food. Your Simblifiers go into how our body spends this energy, how other creatures spend it, and whether we can have negative calorie foods - that is foods that will use up more energy being digested than they contribute after being digested. NEW TO SIMBLIFIED? It's an Indian podcast - probably the best to come from Malad West - that takes things that h...

Ep. 53 (Rebroadcast): Grubs Can Be Grub

August 06, 2018 00:30 - 20 minutes - 18.5 MB

The podders get together this time for a culinary special. But put away your MasterChef fantasies, this is about gourmet… bugs. Enter the fascinatingly terrifying world of entomophagy - the practice of using insects as food. Listen in to learn about the cultural practices of insect eating, why it can be more nutritious, necessary and even tasty. Find out what your favourite insects taste like and let Chuck ‘bug’ you with an creepy-crawly pun-run. Do give us a shout on Twitter and let Naren...

Ep. 78 (Rebroadcast): The Russian Moscow-rade that was the US Elections!

July 30, 2018 00:30 - 50 minutes - 46 MB

Hey there! We couldn't make it to the studio this week, so here's an old episode again! Given what L'Orange did in Finland, it's worth re-looking at how the Russians meddled in the US Elections. And given Putin gifted Trump a football that apparently has a chip inside, we might re-re-broadcast this in the future, who knows. For now, enjoy. Even if you haven't been following global politics in the last couple of years, you will know two things: 1. Trump is president (yes, sorry, that was...

Ep. 98: Simblifying Mental Health with Zain and Avanti

July 23, 2018 00:30 - 51 minutes - 47.5 MB

On this special Simblified episode, Naren and Srikeit talk to Zain Calcuttawala and Avanti Malhotra about their the very relevant and equally misunderstood topic of mental health. We discuss their personal struggles and breakthroughs along with the common misconceptions and taboos surrounding mental health. Also do check out Zain and Avanti's delightfully named podcast 'Marbles Lost and Found' where they have casual yet insightful conversations on mental health issues. You can start listen...

Ep. 97: Assassins and Hasheesh - What's the Connection?

July 16, 2018 00:30 - 33 minutes - 30.4 MB

Join your admittedly ninety pound weakling Simblified hosts as they display some courage and look at Assassins and Hasheesh, and into the legend that the former did the latter before doing their job. NEW TO SIMBLIFIED? It's an Indian podcast - probably the best to come from Malad West - that takes things that happen around us, and deconstructs them in language you can understand, often surmounting several puns and PG Wodehouse references along the way. We aim to make you appear smarter dur...

Ep. 96: Near Death Experiences - What ARE they?

July 09, 2018 00:30 - 15 minutes - 14.2 MB

Most of us would have seen death depicted in movies as your spirit leaving your body and going towards a light. Many people who have had near death experiences and have lived to tell the tale report similar experiences. But what are they really? Your intrepid Simblified hosts dive into this dangerous sounding subject to find out The Truth! NEW TO SIMBLIFIED? It's an Indian podcast - probably the best to come from Malad West - that takes things that happen around us, and deconstructs them i...

Ep. 95: The FIFA World Cup: History, Trivia and Bad Jokes

July 02, 2018 00:30 - 39 minutes - 35.7 MB

In this World Cup special episode, our trio dig into the annals of the tournament's past: Its origins, where it began, why we have the Chinese to thank for even this, and how the word 'soccer' is, shockingly, a British invention. Oh, and there are plenty of fun facts and bad jokes in there also, which is now signature when Chuck has too much time on his hands. Join in to celebrate the joy of the World Cup with us, even if the Dutch and Italians can't. Heh. NEW TO SIMBLIFIED? It's an Indian...

Ep. 94: What's the Procedure to Qualify for the FIFA World Cup?

June 25, 2018 00:30 - 19 minutes - 18.3 MB

The FIFA World Cup is here! As everyone transforms into armchair football fans, we want to give you an edge by Simblifying the complex qualification process to the most popular event on earth. Hear Chuck, Naren and Srikeit talk about each continent's qualification chances (Asia is the hardest, obviously), the expansion of the World Cup over the years and bust the myth about why India didn't participate when they qualified in 1950 (Did you really think it's because they weren't allowed to pla...

Ep. 93: About that Yanny-Laurel thing that went viral (aural)?

June 18, 2018 00:30 - 35 minutes - 32.6 MB

Audio illusions are an interesting thing. It's when you think your boss said "Wow, amazing job, here's a 15% hike" when what she actually said was, "Holy crap, you're useless. You have 15 minutes to clear out". But apart from that, our brain works in amazing ways to conspire to make us hear and see things that actually don't exist. Fanny-Laurel is one such, and our sagacious hosts take you through several others as well. At the end of this episode, you will question reality, but hey, you lis...

Twitter Mentions

@notytony 135 Episodes
@shenoyn 132 Episodes
@chuck_gopal 132 Episodes
@srikeit 132 Episodes
@ivmpodcasts 57 Episodes
@aroradrn 6 Episodes
@aroradrnand 4 Episodes
@bertyashley 2 Episodes
@ekalavyab 2 Episodes
@bertyashleyadd 2 Episodes
@kr_t 2 Episodes
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@ashvala 1 Episode
@utsavmamoria 1 Episode
@suman7 1 Episode
@dharamv 1 Episode
@amitvarma 1 Episode
@vijay_nair 1 Episode
@shaanvp 1 Episode
@dailydement 1 Episode