
In today's episode, we journey from the wonder-filled set of "Reading Rainbow" to the modern-day studios where stories come alive. We're thrilled to welcome Tina Dietz, a childhood star of "Reading Rainbow", now the mastermind behind Twin Flames Studios, where she helps authors bring their written words to life through audiobooks.


Episode Highlights:


A Serendipitous Beginning: Yedda shares the charming tale of how she and Tina connected over "Reading Rainbow" and the shared mission to make reading magical for adults.


Mirrored Journeys: Dive deep as Tina and Yedda discuss their parallel paths — from using imagination to cope with childhood trauma to evolving into therapists, coaches, and eventually, leading female CEOs and founders.


Loneliness & Creation: Tina sheds light on the dichotomy of feeling alone yet having an intense urge for creation and connection.


Gifts from the Shadows: A candid conversation on the unexpected gifts trauma can bring, especially heightened self-awareness.


Finding & Amplifying Your Voice: Tina offers invaluable insights on discovering your voice and using it to resonate with the world around you.


Ideas & Their Power: Tina and Yedda ponder on the immense power of ideas and how they can shape and redefine lives.


Honor, Own, and Share Your Story: Tina emphasizes the importance of being authentic, owning one's narrative, and sharing it to inspire and heal others.


Authoring Your Life: How to seize control and pen your destiny, a transformative lesson from Tina Dietz.


Key Takeaways:


Every individual has a unique story, waiting to be told.


Trauma, while deeply challenging, can also be a catalyst for growth and self-discovery.


Your voice is your power. Discover it, hone it, and share it.


Call to Action:


Do you feel the urge to let your story reverberate and heal the world? Connect with Tina and explore the magic she weaves at Twin Flames Studios.


Connect with Tina on all her social platforms here:


#Tina Dietz, #Twin Flames Studios, #Reading Rainbow, #Audiobooks, #Personal Development, #Trauma #Healing, #FemaleCEOs, #Storytelling, #VoiceAmplification, #Self-Awareness, #PersonalNarratives.


End Note:


Stay tuned for more inspiring stories and transformative conversations on Shut Up & Sit. Remember, the most powerful story you can tell is your own. Until next time, keep writing your tale!

Connect with Yedda here: