**Episode Description:**
In this episode, Yeddaa takes a turn from the traditional and delves deep into the world of children's literature. Inspired by Einstein's assertion that “If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales,” Yeddaa reads aloud and unpacks the beloved children's book, "What Do You Do With an Idea?" by Kobi Yamada. As we transition into interviewing top entrepreneurs in the coaching space, discover the hidden gems of wisdom embedded in the tales we've known since childhood and how they can shape our business perspectives.


**Show Notes:**

1. Why Children's Literature? The Albert Einstein Connection.
2. Reading of "What Do You Do With an Idea?" by Kobi Yamada.
3. Unpacking the Themes: 
    - The birth and nurturing of an idea.
    - Overcoming fear and self-doubt.
    - The transformational power of believing in one’s idea.

4. How Children's Stories Reflect on Entrepreneurship:
    - Embracing the unknown.
    - The magic of persistence and resilience.
    - Nurturing your entrepreneurial spirit.

5. Teaser: A Glimpse into Our Upcoming Entrepreneur Interviews – The Titans of the Coaching World.

6. Listener’s Segment:
    - Responses from listeners on their favorite childhood stories and lessons learned.
    - How they integrate these teachings into their professional lives.

7. Yeddaa's Personal Reflection:
    - How children's literature shaped her journey.
    - The art of staying young at heart and inquisitive in mind.

8. Closing thoughts & A Look Ahead

**Resources Mentioned in This Episode:**
- "What Do You Do With an Idea?" by Kobi Yamada
- Quote by Albert Einstein on fairy tales

**Connect with Yeddaa:**
- [Instagram]
- [Twitter]
- [Website]


*Join us again next week as Yeddaa continues to challenge the norms and brings out fresh perspectives, only on "Shut Up and Sit with Yeddaa."*
