
Welcome back to another enlightening episode of *Shut Up & Sit*. Your host, Yedda Stancil, sits down with the enchanting Ellen Malloy, founder of *Reiki with Angels* and co-founder of *Etherial TV*. Journey with us into a realm of angels, psychic revelations, and profound spiritual insights. Together, Ellen and Yedda dive deep into the ethereal realms of mysticism, magic, and manifestation, revealing the power of deep "knowingness" in shaping our destinies.

**Episode Highlights:**

1. **Angelic Interactions:** Ellen shares her spiritual experiences with angels and guides listeners through the pathways to connect with these divine messengers. Find out how angels can help you tap into the vastness of "Source" and elevate your spiritual journey.

2. **From Psychic Development to Psychic Breakdowns:** The thin veil between the seen and unseen can sometimes blur. Ellen opens up about her encounters with the departed, and the delicate balance between harnessing psychic abilities and navigating challenging spiritual experiences.

3. **Crafting from a Deep "Knowingness":** Both Ellen and Yedda explore their unique abilities to create from a place of profound intuition. Listen in as they shed light on how spiritual teachers like themselves are ardently teaching others to channel their spiritual gifts for love, joy, and success.

4. **Breaking Norms with Prophetic Insights:** As a self-proclaimed "left-brain" psychic and "right-brain" consultant & coach respectively, Ellen and Yedda unveil how they challenge and shatter societal norms in the business world with their deep prophetic insights.

5. **Etherial TV: A Portal of Positivity:** Yedda provides a peek into *Etherial TV*, a channel where she has dropped over 100 episodes of transformative content. Explore this magical realm at www.etherialtv.net and be inspired by a cascade of uplifting and positive messages.

6. **Sage Wisdom from Ellen:** Embrace a life-altering perspective as Ellen elucidates on the principle: nothing ever happens *to* you in life, but everything happens *for* you. Unlock the secrets of life's challenges and realize the lessons they impart.

**Guest Information:**
Ellen Malloy, an eloquent bridge between the mystical and the pragmatic, is the guiding force behind *Reiki with Angels* and a visionary co-founder of *Etherial TV*. With her unique "left-brain" psychic approach, she's transforming the landscape of spiritual teachings and empowering many to embrace their divine gifts.

Episode 55 of *Shut Up & Sit* unravels the beautiful tapestry of mysticism, magic, and manifestation. Ellen Malloy and Yedda Stancil offer a tantalizing exploration into the world beyond the senses, reminding us of our inherent power and purpose. So, plug in your headphones, close your eyes, and let yourself be transported into realms of ethereal wisdom.

Thank you for being a part of this magical episode! Share your mystical experiences, reflections, and journeys with us on social media with the hashtag #MysticalJourney. Remember, in the dance of life, you're always divinely guided and eternally loved. 🌌🔮👼

For more about your host Yedda Stancil please visit www.sitwithyedda.com

#AngelsAndIntuition #EtherealKnowingness #ShutUpAndSit #MysticismMagicManifestation