During the first half of his career, Dr. Mike Deninger rose to a leadership position in the education of deaf youth as an administrator at Gallaudet University. However, in his 40s traumatic childhood memories triggered a mental health crisis and an extended period of recovery. In the years that followed, he chose a new path as a trauma therapist and trainer after earning a counseling degree and trainer certifications in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Ericksonian Hypnotherapy and Eye Movement Integration (EMI). His innovations in trauma treatment culminated in the 2021 publication of "Multichannel Eye Movement Integration: The Brain Science Path to Easy and Effective PTSD Treatment." MEMI is an expansion of the original Eye Movement Integration technique developed in 1989 by Steve and Connirae Andreas of NLP renown. MEMI is distinguished from other eye movement therapies, because of its simple but clear theoretical model, its brevity and its rapid results. It also affords greater protection for clients than other eye movement therapies.

Dr. Mike is keenly aware of the renewal that’s possible when one frees the mind, relaxes the will and allows the body’s neurological systems to heal traumatic wounds. He is a sought-after public speaker and trainer, having made hundreds of presentations at national and international conferences. Mike now shares his knowledge of and experience with trauma treatment via live seminars and on-demand webinars as a trainer with the Arizona Trauma Institute. For more information about MEMI trainings for counselors and life coaches visit www.aztrauma.org. He also coaches and mentors mental health practitioners in the treatment of PTSD and other anxiety disorders through Trauma Counseling & Training of Tucson. For more information about all of Dr. Mike’s work visit www.multichanneleyemovementintegration.com.

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