Throughout our daily lives, we have many interactions with other people.

These can be anonymous and passing encounters with people in public spaces, or they can be intimate encounters with people we know and love.

They can be in person or remote interactions via phone or video chat.

But the one thing that all of these interactions have in common is that in every single instance, we will impact the person we are experiencing and they will impact us.

Some of this impact will be subconscious and, therefore, not consciously noticeable, while others will be very intentional.

In every case, there is an awareness that is quite important.

Every time we interact with someone, we can hold in our awareness that this person is likely experiencing some kind of suffering at the moment we experience them.

Perhaps it’s something they experienced today or maybe its a bigger thing that impacts them in their core self.

Either way, each of these instances is an opportunity for us to be kind and help to relieve this suffering our fellow human being is struggling with.

In today’s episode, I explain the ways in which this kindness can be as much or more beneficial to ourselves as it is to the other person.

This is a vital understanding that affects our mind and well being and I hope you can try the practice I suggest at the end of the video.

If you have any questions about this topic or about the practice in this episode, please reach out so I can help you!