I used to think that as long as I wasn’t yelling at anyone, or otherwise causing problems for others, that my emotions were irrelevant to those around me.

And boy was I mistaken!!!

The reality, which honestly I learned the hard way, is that the people around me could sense my emotions.

If I was experiencing positive emotions, people would feel uplifted and drawn to me.

If I was experiencing negative emotions, people felt the drag and probably wanted to get the heck away from me.

I learned (also the hard way!) that my kids were more sensitive than anyone else.

But so were my employees.

And my wife.

And my dog - yes, even my dog! I get into this in today’s video:

The simple fact is that our bodies are always experiencing thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations.


And the more awareness we can develop, the more apparent these thoughts, emotions, and sensations will be.

The more apparent, the easier it is for us to regulate ourselves.

At this point - which is only a few short weeks away with the right practice - we can intentionally impact those around us in a positive way.

We can brighten up every room we walk into and every heart with whom we connect.

This is an awesome power that costs nothing but can bring enormous benefit to so many people!

And in case you’re wondering: developing this vital life skill will positively impact each of the four constituents of well being, So not only will you be making others feel good; you’ll be improving your own well being at the same time!

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