It’s very easy, at times, to think only of the effect our emotional dis-regulation has on others.

But the basis for this empathic resonance, mirror neurons, are present within us as well and so we are subject to the resonance of others.

You might have certain people in your life that just make you feel not-so-good when you hang out with them.

Or maybe it's the other way. Maybe there are some people in your life that just bring you joy and good feelings when you see them or speak with them.

This is the empathic resonance you are receiving!

In today’s video, I go into the details and the scientific basis for how this all works. And I also give you a little practice you can do over the next week or so that will help you develop awareness of this phenomenon and also to regulate it and keep yourself on an even keel even in the face of those who trouble you.

If you have any questions or comments, I would love to hear from you!