When you think of compassion, you might consider it something that is ‘nice to do’ for others.

Or maybe you say ‘It’s the right thing to do…’

Perhaps, the concept of compassion brings you closer to your religion or spirituality.

However the practice of compassion aligns with your life or your world view, if you’re like most people, you think of it as an outward oriented action.

In other words, you think of it as something you would do for others.

I mention the benefits of Self-Compassion in today’s video and I will do another video on Friday dedicated to Self-Compassion, but that’s not really what I mean by the previous sentence.

What I mean is that most people don’t realize the impact that feeling and expressing compassion for others has on their own well-being.

In one way, it’s about removing the source of stress that lives in the thoughts of those people for whom we refuse to offer compassion or forgiveness.

But more directly, the intention and practice of compassion checks off each one of the four constituents of well being as defined by neuroscientists and psychologists like Richard Davidson.

In today’s video I outline this connection and impact of compassion upon the four constituents of well being. And I hope you enjoy it.

As always, if you have any questions at all, please reach out by replying to this email.

Or you can go to my website to claim your coupon for a 45 minute coaching session that could change your life.

I’ll even make it easier for you by posting this link:


In the meantime, this is for you:

May you be well.

May you be free from suffering.

May you be free from fear and insecurity.

May you be forgiven for your mistakes and misdeeds.

May you feel loved.

May you be happy.