Like the concepts of Curiosity, Compassion, and Presence, the concept of Acceptance can seem counterintuitive to many of us in Western Society.

We grow up learning that we should take charge of our circumstances and go out and get what we need through ambition and hard work.

Now, the last thing I want to do is to take anything away from ambition or hard work! In the right perspective and in appropriate measures, these are wonderful and powerful qualities to possess!

And fortunately, acceptance is not antithetical to ambition or hard work!

Acceptance doesn’t ask us to not change something we wish to change.

Acceptance ALLOWS for this change to take place.

Like the other concepts we’re discussing on the podcast and youtube channel this week, acceptance, and it’s counterpart, letting go, is a key part of the control you have to cultivate and develop your well-being and happiness.

Well-being and happiness are not some stroke of fortune or lack thereof.

And happiness and well-being are not reliant upon the things and people in our lives.

Happiness and well-being are skills. And like any other skill you have ever developed, they can be trained through practice.

Are you curious as to how much practice? Well, then you should check out today's episode: