First of all, I want to express once again my gratitude for my Patron who has sponsored the amazing new microphone I’ve used in today’s recording! If you’re interested in supporting me, it couldn’t be easier! Just go to this page:

In today’s episode, I talk about a familiar, but super important topic: The Beginner's Mind.

As you’ve heard me say plenty of times, with Presence, Acceptance, Compassion, and Curiosity, we can practice well being and positively impact our own experiences as well as positively impact those whose lives we touch every day.

In the episode today I discuss all four of these concepts, but I go into Curiosity the deepest.

In anything we can possibly know, there are three spheres of knowledge:

There is what we know.

There is what we know we don’t know.

And then there is the third sphere, which dwarfs the other two: What we don’t know we don’t know.

The Beginner’s Mind embraces that third sphere.

And when we approach every situation and circumstance in our lives with this quality of The Beginner's Mind: that there MUST be something we don’t know we don’t know about this thing, it shifts our entire view and promotes Presence, Acceptance, and Compassion.

And then, all of our stress and big, disruptive emotional reactions begin to change.

This is a skill. And like any other skill, it is trainable!

Would you like to learn how to practice The Beginner’s Mind?