The world around us is created by our thoughts.

Of course, I wish it were true that if I just think of a brand new car sitting in my driveway, it will magically appear.

But that’s not what I mean.

What I mean is that when you think something about the world or the people in it, that’s what or who is going to show up.

If you think Monday is going to be a crappy day, then your brain will filter out any evidence to the contrary and you will indeed see a crappy day.

It doesn’t mean that the day actually is crappy. But it will seem that way to you.

If you see a willful and difficult child in front of you, then that’s the child who’ll be there.

It doesn’t mean that your child is ‘only’ difficult and willful. But that is ‘only’ what you will see.

Check out the video for a super simple practice to neutralize this thought-based bias and start seeing things in a way that will allow for happiness, confidence, and connection in every area of your life.