The next time you think something is impossible for you, I want you to remember this story.

It’s a story about running.

Particularly, it’s a story about The Four Minute Mile.

For many years, The Four Minute mike was held as the Holy Grail for track runners.

In 1945, someone ran a mile faster than anyone before, at 4:01:03.

And for the next nine years, no one could close that gap of fewer than 1.5 seconds.

But on a rainy and windy evening in Oxford, England, after working all day at the hospital, Sir Roger Bannister ran a mile in 3:59:04.

He had abundant evidence, like everyone else in the running world, to believe it was impossible.

But he thought he could do it and he did.

And then something really fascinating happened: 46 days later, another runner broke the four-minute barrier.

And since then, over 1,300 runners have done it.

So how is it that for so many years this thing seemed impossible and now was nearly routine?

Because once one person did it, those who followed him thought it could be done.

So the next time you think something is impossible in your life, I invite you to think the opposite and keep going.