When was the last time you visualized the details of what you want from your business and your life?

Did you have a clear, specific picture of what that actually looks like? Not just the money or a title or recognition, but what it looks like day to day. When you see the picture, does it show the life you really want?

Getting clear and specific about your goals avoids you chasing a dream that doesn’t fit you.

What you want will evolve over time as your life changes, which is why it’s a great idea to check in with yourself periodically.

Today, I’m chatting with an entrepreneur who’s had multiple successful careers and many evolutions in her business, from brand strategist to “Approachable Badass.”

Melanie Spring is an international keynote speaker and public speaking trainer. She and her crew travel the world creating branded experiences for humans like you to find your stories, build your confidence, and amplify your voices.

Tune into this episode to hear:

What it took Melanie to get high-paying speaking gigs all over the world and what that life really looks like
Why letting go of assets and offerings is a key piece of building the business you want as your wants and needs evolve
How to get comfortable with being a personal brand
Why backtracking the specific steps from your goal will help you clarify what you really want


Learn more about Melanie:

Instagram: @MelanieSpring
Facebook: @MelanieSpringSpeaker
Connect with Melanie on LinkedIn
FREE Manifesting Workbook
The Intentional Story Podcast


Learn more about Pia:

No BS Agency Owners Free Facebook Group
The Show Your Business Who's Boss Crash Course
Start reading the first chapter of my book