Today, I’m delighted to share an interview with one of my favorite students, Lisa Greensill.

I loved working with Lisa because she showed up and took action, and her results reflect that. And what I love about her story isn’t just that she was able to make more money in less time, but it also impacted how she enjoys her life with her family.

Lisa Greensill is a brand and copy strategist and co-creator of Brandover® - a creative collaboration focused on taking the bland out of financial brands. She translates adviser and broker speak into client speak with an approach that focuses on purpose and personality to make businesses relatable, memorable and referable. In 2022, Lisa was named Independent Financial Advisers Marketing Consultant of the Year and Women in Finance Marketing Professional of the Year.

Tune into this episode to hear:

How Lisa struggled to transition from freelancing at hourly rates to pricing bigger projectsHow Lisa has radically shifted how she approaches projects and customized No BS principles to work for her businessHow Lisa has built her referral network through strategic partnerships and authority buildingHow the No BS framework has given Lisa the confidence to hold her boundaries with clients

Learn more about Lisa Greensill:

WebsiteConnect with Lisa on LinkedIn


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