We've all been there. Talking to a salesperson who failed miserably at making us feel at ease and like they genuinely cared about our needs.

The thing is, selling is essential to running a successful business. Unfortunately, these past experiences keep many entrepreneurs from going for it because they are afraid of coming across as "sleazy."

In this episode of Shop Talk, I will provide tips on how to sell without being sleazy and focus on building relationships and trust with customers. Selling is not just for the commission-hungry, but it is necessary for helping customers solve their problems and meet their needs. By following these principles, you can learn how to sell the right way while maintaining your integrity and building positive relationships with clients.

Snapshot of this episode:

3:30 - The Lasting Impact Of A Sleazy Salesperson6:56 - The Secret To Successful Selling8:25 - The 6 Steps To Selling Without Sleaze12:03 - The Million Dollar Discovery Call Process24:45 - Closing The Sale31:37 - Overcoming Objections

Links Mentioned:

Websites That Work Launch Challenge