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Jon “gzip enthusiast” Johnson joins us for a history lesson on compression & how it impacts everything from containers to Alpine.

Jon “gzip enthusiast” Johnson joins us for a history lesson on compression & how it impacts everything from containers to Alpine.

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Neon – The fully managed serverless Postgres with a generous free tier. We separate storage and compute to offer autoscaling, branching, and bottomless storage.
Neo4j – Is your code getting dragged down by JOINs and long query times? The problem might be your database…Try simplifying the complex with graphs. Stop asking relational databases to do more than they were made for. Graphs work well for use cases with lots of data connections like supply chain, fraud detection, real-time analytics, and genAI. With Neo4j, you can code in your favorite programming language and against any driver. Plus, it’s easy to integrate into your tech stack. Visit to get started. – The home of — Deploy your apps and databases close to your users. In minutes you can run your Ruby, Go, Node, Deno, Python, or Elixir app (and databases!) all over the world. No ops required. Learn more at and check out the speedrun in their docs.


Jon Johnson – Twitter, GitHubJustin Garrison – Twitter, GitHub, LinkedInAutumn Nash – Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIn

Show Notes:

Links of the week

Microsoft’s AI carbon footprint
Copilot Plus


RFC 1951
Registry explorer
stargz snapshotter

Claude Shannon

A Mind at Play
The Bit Player

Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!

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