Anita Zhang is here to tell us how Meta manages millions of bare metal Linux hosts and containers. We also discuss the Twine white paper and how AI is changing their requirements.

Anita Zhang is here to tell us how Meta manages millions of bare metal Linux hosts and containers. We also discuss the Twine white paper and how AI is changing their requirements.

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Anita Zhang – Mastodon, Twitter, GitHub, LinkedInJustin Garrison – Twitter, GitHub, LinkedInAutumn Nash – Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIn

Show Notes:

Links of the week

Decoder podcast with Drew Houston
Twine: A Unified Cluster Management System for Shared Infrastructure

Faux or fo sho

Attention is all you need
Probabilistic Inference in Language Models via Twisted Sequential Monte Carlo
Causally Abstracted Multi-armed Bandits

Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!

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