For a society that's multicultural, we rarely talk about race, colonialisation, and the impact of our skin colour.  It's so complex, challenging and overwhelming to know where to begin so instead we avoid conversations and pretend everything is ok. 

I'm discovering that by focusing on our own discomfort, acting helpless or asserting that we're not doing anything wrong, we miss the opportunity to understand our white privilege, acknowledge and appreciate the injustice, listen and learn, and move forward. 

In this episode, I speak with Krystle Cobran, a speaker, consultant, podcast host and author specialising in conversations about race. Krystle has a Juris Doctor (the equivalent of a Law Doctorate in the US), Masters of Public Policy and a wealth of experience teaching that she draws on to transform seemingly impossible conversations about race into stories and genuine dialogue that propels us forward. 

Her approach encourages and supports conversation, provides tools and frameworks, and helps people to come together to learn from each other.

Together we explore:  

Why race conversations are so difficult 

The real fear and uncertainly about not knowing where to begin 

The power of letting ourselves feel 

The value in recognising this work is sacred, intimate and highly personal 

That there is no magic switch, or quick fix, rather we need to understand that navigating the race conversation is a journey  

Krystle gives us her tips on how to approach difficult race conversations and topics, encourages us to be curious and ask questions relating to our sense of place and belonging, and reminds us that by being passive we are supporting the status quo.

You can connect with Krystle at