We spend a lot of time and energy hiding the aspects of ourselves that we don't like, about which we feel shame and sadness. 

In this episode, I talk with Shay Bloxham, an energy healer, about her personal journey and discovery of her dark side. 

By sharing her story and experience facing her fears head-on, she shows us that there's beauty in the dark and shadow aspects of our lives. She points out that by shining love and light on them we get access to valuable, overlooked parts of our true nature.

Shay's message will inspire you to be courageous, take full responsibility for all aspects of yourself, and discover your overlooked power source.

If you’d like to learn more about Shay, follow her on her mission to raise the vibration of love on the planet by liberating humanity to walk the path of their soul or seek her assistance to heal, free yourself, reclaim your sovereignty or ascend to a new higher vibrational reality, connect to her through her facebook page Saraswati Healing - http://www.facebook.com/groups/425079988159140/