Have you considered that your sexual interest, identity, and preference can change and evolve over your lifetime?

During puberty, and now, during midlife, our second puberty, so many influences are impacting how we feel in our body, show up in life, and express ourselves sexually.

In this conversation, with Vanessa Moon, Aunty Priestess, and sexual empowerment guide for women over 35, we delve into how we can explore the world of sensuality, sexuality, and self-acceptance to experience more pleasure and turn on in our midlife.

We explore factors that impact our sexual expression, how kink and tantra are powerful tools for self awareness and expanding pleasure, and tips for navigating changes during perimenopause.

Tune in to hear Vanessa talk about:

How her capacity for pleasure and turn on has been expanded by kink and tantra.

What is sapphic

What is Bi plus, and three aspects to it.

The nuances in women loving women

How our turn on and sexuality can change as we age and transition through perimenopause

How body changes can impact how you relate to yourself

Exploring your sexuality and identity late in life (sometimes referred to as Late in life lesbians)

What is meant by heteronormative, compulsive sexuality and comphet 

What is tantric kink

What she calls B.T.S.M

The different aspects of tantra that you can explore and that can expand your experience of pleasure.

What is deamouring and an example of how she dearmoured a part of her body

Womb work and energetic orgasms

Kink is not always sexual and can introduce beautiful ways to play with friends

Getting support when exploring tantra and kink

Exploring kink online, and the possibilities that this opens up.

Reframing and reclaiming experiences using the power of our mind and imagination.

Exploring disgust with kink

How your sexuality evolves during menopause

Disgust you may experience towards your body during perimenopause

Body neutrality and acceptance

Tips for adjusting to the changes in your body and how it may affect you sexually

Investing in yourself

You can connect with Vanessa via:

Instagram:  @yespriestess 

Facebook:  www.facebook.com/yespriestessofficial
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/yespriestess
Youtube:  @VanessaChats 

(no website at this time)
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