The information we've been given about perimenopause is basic at best, horrendously incomplete and misleading at it's worst.

We've been led to believe we need to endure a checklist of symptoms, and we should seek support to survive this stage of our life.

In this episode I talk with Bria Gadd, holistic health coach, functional diagnostic practitioner, and host of the podcast, 'The Period Whisperer', to share a different, empowering, informative message about what happens to our brain, body and heart in perimenopause.

Bria clearly and cleverly provides an easy to understand outline of changes we can expect, relatable analogies, and what you can do to embrace the opportunities and gifts this period of life presents.

Tune in to hear her share:

What turned on living looks like

Her personal journey that led her to focus on understanding what’s happening to our bodies in perimenopause

The reasons why we don’t know much about perimenopause

How social media can stress us and also be an asset and valuable source of support and information

A brilliant Baby Whisper acronym that inspired her

What is menopause and perimenopause, and easy ways to know if you’re in them.

Why it’s helpful to consider perimenopause reverse puberty

Really helpful and empowering analogies and explain the changes we experience in the transition

Healthy signs you’re in perimenopause

Some of the undesirable signs you can experience, especially if your hormones are out of balance.

The gift of perimenopause

The science behind what is changing in our brain, and why things in our past can start to surface.

How estrogen impacts us during our menstrual cycle and why we notice a change when it drops during perimenopause

How our stress levels can impact us in perimenopause

Why we need to adjust the way we exercise, or it can hinder not help us.

Three major areas we source energy that are critical to how we experience stress.

The difference between functional movement and fitness, and when it’s best to focus on each.

How your heart is impacted in perimenopause

What primary and secondary foods are, and why we need to focus on sourcing primary foods to nourish and sustain us.

The discomfort that comes from resisting change and discovering that you’ve been fitting in because of cultural conditioning.

Asking yourself where are you out of alignment

You can connect with Bria via her







Get her FREE Daily Hormone Checklist here: