Wim Hof has made cold water showers and ice baths trendy. And most of us 'know' that time in cold water has benefits.

But what else might open up for us if we embrace time in cold water?

Cat Barratt, my guest in this episode, who began dipping and swimming with her seaside community over 365 consecutive days has discovered lots about the power of a goals, community and connection.

We talk about how this experience helped her to feel at home, have fun, and invigorate her in ways she would never have anticipated.

Tune in to be inspired and hear Cat share:

What a turn on ocean swimming can be

How swimmers swim knowing there are sharks

How creating a goal made a difference

Tips for finding a dip/swim group

Why she ditched the wetsuit

The benefits you get from dipping in community

The ways you can create a pleasurable experience

What keeps her coming back even after reaching her goal

The benefits of cold water on your health and wellbeing

Tips and suggestions for those curious or interested in cold dipping, swimming

The health risks

Signs of hyperthermia that should not be ignored

The temperature of ‘cold’ water.

Tips on how to warm up afterwards, some she picked up from surfers!

Ideas for her next challenge

Creating your own inspiring challenge

Body shape and weight need not be a barrier

The positive impact on her type 2 diabetes

The benefits of cold showers

The challenges of swimming solo and in the dark

What she wishes all women in their midlife knew

The best dipping dress ups and events

You can connect with Cat on Instagram

