Journalist Jessica Yellin, founder of News Not Noise, a rapidly growing social media platform aimed at delivering the news in a  calm, unbiased, factual manner that won’t leave viewers feeling yelled at and anxious, but rather more informed and equipped to form intelligent opinions.

The award-winning journalist shares with Linda how she worked in news for 17 years, working at the local level and then at several national cable outlets. She felt like she’d reached the top when she became chief White House correspondent for CNN. But in 2018, after 8 years at CNN, Jessica was dissatisfied at the way the media delivered the news, focusing on conflict and rarely providing any backstory or context.

She left the network in 2018, wrote a book, Savage News, and then found News Not Noise. After a shout out from celebrities like Jennifer Garner and  Amy Schumer—News Not Noise got on the map. Jessica currently has a dedicated audience of 800,000. To put this in perspective: more people watch her today than when she was at CNN.

 Follow Jessica on Insta and FB @jessicayellin; more at