What struck ewe most from this episode - and why?

Baa-aaa! (that’s Hoorah in ovine language) - SheepDip is back!

This 6th series is quite simply entitled the A-Z of team building.

After running our very first team building programme over 10 years ago we were excited and delighted to hear how much our clients had learnt from their experience of herding sheep.

Ever since, as soon as they come off the field everyone is offered a lovely piece of cake (they’ve jolly well earned it!), a brew and a Reflection sheet.  This features two key questions.

We ask them to reflect on which one learning they feel will be most useful in their work.  So it's their immediate feeling and finding.  

Inevitably certain learnings recur time and time again.  

It is these themes, plus a few more, which have provided the content for this series, the A-Z of team building.

And naturally analogies with the shepherding world are brought to life by Founder of Raising the Baa, Chris Farnsworth, in these short and lively conversations with Paul Warriner, our Chief Facilitator.

Enjoy - and thank ewe for listening :-)

FREE resource:
Sheep, Shepherd or Dog - which one are ewe? Take our personality quiz and find out.

Connect with the Speakers via LinkedIn:
Paul Warriner - The Recognition Coach and Chief Facilitator, Raising the Baa
Chris Farnsworth - Head Shepherd and Co-Founder, Raising the Baa

What are your main team challenges and desires? Maybe we can help?
Book in a 15-minute Exploratory Call now and let's see.