What struck ewe most from this episode - and why?

In the 5th and final part of our series on Compassionate Leadership, our expert guest Manley Hopkinson talks about Balance.

Manley believes that to be a Compassionate Leader "you must balance the needs between achieving the task, building the team and developing the individual".

His philosophy is based on the British academic and leadership theorist John Adair's model of 'Action Centred Leadership', often referred to as the Three Circles Model.

In listening to this episode you will gain an understanding of this model as usual illustrated well with one of Manley's adventure stories.

Manley's parting exercise is based on Adair's three circles, inviting us to see how balanced our time and focus is across task, team and individual.  Enlightening stuff!

We hope you've enjoyed this series on Compassionate Leadership with Manley Hopkinson. If you're intrigued to delve far deeper into the subject and apply it to your role in your organisation, large or small, take a serious look at the modular Academy as Manley mentions.

Enjoy and thank ewe for listening :-)

Helpful links:
Manley's website - portal for the Compassionate Leadership Academy and to book him as a speaker

Sheep, Shepherd or Dog - which one are ewe? Take our personality quiz and find out.

Connect with the speakers via LinkedIn:
Caroline Palmer - Top Dog and co-founder, Raising the Baa
Chris Farnsworth - Head Shepherd and co-founder, Raising the Baa & author of 'Sheep Shepherd Dog - Building a Magnificent Team Around You'
Manley Hopkinson - author, adventurer, senior business advisor, professional speaker and founder of the Compassionate Leadership Academy  

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