Our guest this week is the acclaimed Dr. Joyce Knudsen, CEO of The ImageMaker Inc. ® who is a celebrated image consultant, mentor, book tutor, social pro trainer and writer. She received her Bachelor’s of Arts in Communications, Masters of Arts in Business Administration, a comprehensive management training program recognized worldwide, and earned a Ph.D. in Human Services, with an emphasis on self-image and psychology from Capella University, accredited by North Central Accrediting Commission.

Joyce takes pride in what she does. Her keen sense of business, strong educational background and support of her husband led her to the development of The ImageMaker, Inc, ® in 1985.

Dr. Joyce began working with clients on business image, appearance, behavior, communications, coaching & assessments.

Her business is about teaching and training people to improve their lives. She is at the time in her life she is able to "Pay It Forward" and help others to achieve their dreams.


LISTEN, CALL 1-818-572-2910 or CHAT IN your questions, stories and challenges, and let Bernadette and her team of experts help you 'write your story to sell'.....

Bernadette Boas is known as a ‘ball of fire’ author, speaker, screenwriter, leadership change agent and radio hostess… who inspires, motivates and equips women with the mindset and skill set needed to achieve success and prosperity in their life and business.

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