After nearly 30 years in the sales side of business, Judy Hoberman has seen a variety of techniques come and go, delivering flash without substance and ultimately leaving adopters high and dry.

And she will discuss with us how women want to be treated equally, but not identically; instead uniquely and about the talents, skills and individual that they are.

Having been mentored by men her whole career, Judy has turned her training talents to the differences in sales techniques between men and women.

Selling In A Skirt addresses both the woman’s need to use her gender- based talents and the male manager’s need to understand how to help her be successful by using her instinctive qualities rather than those which are natural to him.

LISTEN, CALL 1-818-572-2910 or CHAT IN your questions, stories and challenges, and let Bernadette and her team of experts help you 'write your story to sell'.....

Bernadette Boas is known as a ‘ball of fire’ author, speaker, screenwriter, leadership change agent and radio hostess… who inspires, motivates and equips women with the mindset and skill set needed to achieve success and prosperity in their life and business.

Listen weekly on Shedding the or iTunes.