Your brain is programmed to believe that impending doom is around every corner due to an outdated evolutionary trait that helped ancient humans survive. But in present day these constant threat warnings are being triggered by mere inconveniences like the Internet being down or being stuck in traffic, causing you to over react, do things you know are bad for you, and say things you wish you hadn’t.

Sharie Spironhi, renowned Motivational Speaker, Educator, Counselor and Author of ‘Why We Are Wired to Worry and How Neuroscience Will Help You Fix It”, is an undisputed expert in human behavioral science. Inspired by her overnight defeat of Bi-Polar disorder, Sharie is a living example of neuroplasticity (the brain’s ability to change and heal) as exemplified in her compelling story of living with Manic Depression since a child and having it disappear literally over night, due to the brain's ability to rewire itself.

Sharie’s career began over 25 years ago teaching and lecturing across the nation in high schools and colleges to help students better understand their own behavior. She was a counselor specializing in teen age drug addiction, co-produced the David Toma show on WOR and in 1991 founded a drug treatment center in Tecate Mexico, all by the age of 27.