We are privileged to have an internationally recognized email productivity expert and executive coach with us today…  She’s made international headlines on the subject of “email e-ddiction,” taking over the home pages of MSN, CNN, and Yahoo at the same time.  Her email productivity advice has appeared on the front page of USA Today, the Chicago Tribune, Canada AM, ABC Nightly News, and Fox and Friends to name few.

Uniquely qualified to address both email productivity and career success, our speaker is an International Coach Federation board certified executive life and productivity coach who has garnered numerous honors including being named one of Pennsylvania’s 50 Best Women in Business. 

You’re in for a treat AND some great insight that should help you make that inbox work for you – not the other way around.  Today’s program, “Inbox Detox and How to Clean Out Your Inbox” will do just that.

Please join me in a warm welcome for international email productivity expert and executive coach, CEO of The Egan Group, Inc., and hailing all the way from Nantucket, Massachusetts - Marsha Egan!