Handling Difficult Situations So They Don’t Go Sideways

According to #workplacebully expert, Lynne Curry, 3 to 4 professionals out of every 10, face workplace bullying.  That's over thirty-seven million people. Another twenty-eight million of us witness workplace bullying.

How do we handle and even outsmart workplace bullies and difficult situations that happen at work and even at home? What can you do about it and have it resolved successfully?  Lynne is ready to take your questions and answer the most important ones. CALL 1-818-572-2910 to ask your questions regarding:
How to handle criticism professionally.How to best phrase what you say when you want someone else to change his/her behavior.How to change how you ask questions so you get better resultsThe classic workplace bully traps & how to evade them
Once a victim herself, Lynne has used her experience, education, and expertise to provide workplace bullying, discrimination, and anti-harassment training as well as author her latest book, Beating the Workplace Bully which available now through Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

LISTEN WEEKLY to Shed the Bitch Radio on Tuesday’s at Noon eastern. FOLLOW the program HERE

Bernadette Boas is the ball of fire keynote speaker and trainer, leadership consultant, author, screenwriter, and radio host behind Ball of Fire Consulting, Ball of Fire Inc. (media/publishing), Shedding the Bitch Radio, and her book Shedding the Corporate Bitch, Shifting Bitches to Riches in Life and Business.