ENCORE PRESENTATION - my discussion with #branding expert Jessica Potts of Brand X Consultants when we discussed creating buzz that “people talk” about your brand (for both existing brands, as well as, startups) to ultimately create demand for your product. 

What are the 3-5 things the listeners will learn?
What is buzz and why is it important for both start-ups and existing brands.How to create “buzz”  also known as people discussing your brand, recommending your brand…How to make your existing brand “trendy” so people talk about them.
Jessica Potts worked in Corporate America with several top Fortune 100 companies, such as Fandango, Papa John’s, Disney and Apple in growing their market share with launching products, as well as, working within their brand models. After years of working long hours and growing companies bottom line,  she decided to start her own firm in late 2015 to work with small to midsize clients on their branding and marketing strategy.

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Bernadette Boas is known as a ‘ball of fire’ author, speaker, screenwriter, leadership change agent and radio hostess… who inspires, motivates and equips women with the mindset and skill set needed to achieve success and prosperity in their life and business.

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