Today starts a three part series here on the podcast that I'm calling the Make More Money series because couldn't we all use a little bit more money in our wedding business?

I know you are tired of working long hours and not seeing the results you want in your wedding business? (I was!) Do you feel like you're always hustling but not making enough money? 

In this three-part Make More Money series, we're going to discuss the different stages of business and how to automate your business so that you can increase profitability.

Listen in for the following:

The Three Stages of the Wedding Business, what stage are you in? Take the quiz!Treating Your Business Like a BusinessAutomating Your WorkflowsAutomating Your Team Responsibilities

Treating your business like a business and automating your workflows and team responsibilities is essential for increasing profitability. By transitioning from the Hustle stage to the CEO stage, you can create a business that works for you and not the other way around. With these tips, you can make more money and achieve the success you've been dreaming of.

Join The Wedding Pro CEO Podcast Community on Facebook!  A free group to take the conversation past the podcast and share best practices, get quick tips you can implement today and be part of a like minded group of CEOs who are building the profitable business they've always dreamed of!

For full show notes and guest links click HERE!

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