If there is one thing that we all indisputably have in common, it’s that we are all aging. What we may not have in common is our attitude toward this universal fact, and whether we find it limiting, empowering, or somewhere in between. Having recently turned 41 myself, this topic has been on my mind, and so, fully aware that we are all at different stages in this aging process, today I want to address it head on by sharing my own experience, research, and especially my belief that it’s never too late to pursue your goals and be who you want to be.

To start I’ll share some of the feedback I received regarding my post about feeling uncomfortable turning 41, the reality of getting older and what makes it complicated, and the physical and mental changes that occur with aging. We’ll also look at the anti-aging industry, some research that I have found and my response to it, some of the positives to be found in getting older, and, most importantly, what we can all do to make this process more enjoyable and to keep moving forward. Today, I share with you many of my own experiences and observations in this area, and, as always, I would love to hear about yours. So, please be sure to send me your feedback and maybe even share with me your goals and how you’re definitely not going to let aging get in your way of achieving them.

So much of what we talk about here today is also part of my Ascend Mastermind, which is now open as a six month program starting at the end of the summer. If you’re a high achieving entrepreneur or high level professional who is ready to uplevel your health and well-being (mental, emotional, physical) while creating and pursuing goals you actually want then this Mastermind is the perfect opportunity for you. You’ll get to strengthen your habits, get clear on what you want and be held accountable by, and find support among like-minded women as you ascend. Check out the details here: www.kellytravis.net/ascend, and if you would like to hear first hand from someone who has actually gone through one of my Ascend Masterminds, let me know and we can make that happen as well.

As always, if there is ever a topic you would like me to discuss or a guest you’d like me to interview on the podcast, please feel free to contact me at [email protected] - I would love to hear from you!


The Finer Details of This Episode:

  Kelly’s post about being uncomfortable turning 41 and the feedback she received   The reality of getting older and what makes it complicated   The physical and mental changes that occur with aging   The anti-aging industry   Some research regarding aging and Kelly’s response to it   Some positives of getting older   What we can do to make aging more enjoyable and keep moving forward



“I'm also a big believer that it doesn't fucking matter how old you are.”

“I was okay with being uncomfortable. I didn't see it as a bad thing. It was just real.”


“It is a constant reminder that I need to be strong and healthy, both mind and body. And I want to believe that my best years are ahead of me.”

“As much as I don't want to age, I really love being here. I feel so much more confident and so much stronger, even than just when I was in my 30s.”

“The wrinkly leg skin? Can we talk about that? Like right above the knee? What is that?”

“I think that society has really pushed women in particular to try to stay as young as possible.”

“I think one of the hardest parts about aging is that you feel young inside, but your body is showing, like, it's a little weathered, it's aging.”

“This is what we do in Ascend...we're challenging the thought that, you know, ‘It's too late’ or ‘I should just stay comfortable’ or ‘I should stay in this place.’ ”

“Society drives people in every way to look beautiful, which is why the physical part messes with us mentally.”

“We've got to be aware that the anti-aging industry is out to make money.”

“With age comes wisdom.”

“And I think the key to enjoying this stage of our life, staying out of the bottom out period that they refer to, is to not let responsibilities rule us, and to re-engage with or keep doing the things that we find fun and enjoyable.”

“We've got to really embrace where we're at and, and be kind to our body, and thank our body for showing up everyday and doing the things it does.”

“Instead of worrying about what you haven't done, how about you figure out what you can still do? It is not too late to be who you want to be.”

“I don't want you to be sitting back and just waiting for the right time, or constantly telling yourself that you can't because it's too late.”


Show Links:

Kelly’s homepage -  http://www.kellytravis.net

Ascend Mastermind - www.kellytravis.net/ascend 


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