As incredible as it may sound, we are now in February 2021, and it’s coming up on a year since the pandemic hit. For a lot of us that also means that it’s been almost a year since our kids have been in school, and that is partly what I want to discuss with you all today. Over the past 11 months, I have found myself saying ‘No’ a lot more, especially with my kids at home, and I’m sure I’m not alone in this, so it’s something worth examining together. To be clear, I’m not dismissing all the work we do together to say ‘No’ to those parts of your life that need established boundaries – not at all. What I’m talking about today is looking at those other aspects which you may be holding back on for other reasons, and discerning whether or not they may be found worthy of a ‘Yes’.

In fact, we’ll begin by reinforcing the fact that boundaries continue to play an important role in achieving our goals, and that you need to determine which situations definitely deserve a ‘No’. Having firmly established that foundation, we will then look at the benefits of saying ‘Yes’ to the right things and explore some examples from the lives of Richard Branson, Shonda Rhimes, and my own as well. Building on this fundamental understanding, I’m sharing 7 ways you can go about saying “Yes’ to some key components in your life. I also strongly recommend re-visiting a couple previous podcasts regarding core values and saying ‘No’, which are referenced in the links below. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that we need to say ‘Yes’ to everything that comes our way, but we do need to achieve some clarity to determine where we can say ‘Yes’ more often and improve our lives and the lives of those around us in the process.

In fact, one way to use your voice and say ‘Yes’ to something that will contribute greatly to your growth is to sign up for my 9-month Ascend Mastermind that will be starting this month! If you’re a high achieving entrepreneur or high level professional who is ready to uplevel your health and well-being (mental, emotional, physical) while creating and pursuing goals you actually want and also putting the overwhelm of 2020 in the rear view, then this Mastermind is the perfect opportunity for you. You’ll get to strengthen your habits, get clear on what you want and be held accountable by, and find support among like-minded women as you ascend. Check out the details here.

Another way to help you help you say ‘Yes’ to moving forward with your intentions and goals would be to join my next free ‘Clear AF’ workshop, which will offer you some extra support in getting clarity on what you really want as well as a strategy to implement to start your journey toward achieving it. The workshop takes place Tuesday, February 16, 2021, at 4:00 PM PST, and you can sign up for it here: sign up, or by contacting me through email.

And, as always, if there is a topic you would like me to discuss or a guest to interview on the podcast, please feel free to contact me at [email protected] - I would love to hear from you!


The Finer Details of This Episode:

  Discerning those things to say ‘Yes’ to   The benefits of saying ‘Yes’ to the right things   Richard Branson’s example   Kelly’s own examples   Shonda Rhimes and The Year of Yes   7 ways you can say ‘Yes’   What are you going to say ‘Yes’ to?



“We’re not talking about saying ‘Yes’ to everything that comes our way…in order to say ‘Yes’, we have to also be able to say ‘No’.”

“I’m talking about being very discerning, using those core values.”

“By saying ‘Yes’ you just naturally adopt a growth mindset.”

“It normalizes failure…you teach yourself it’s okay to try new things and that failures are learning opportunities.”

“When you choose to say ‘Yes’, it acts as this affirmation to others and their ideas.”

“’No’ is still a factor in these ‘Yesses’.”

“Difficult conversations are necessary for growth.”

“Say ‘Yes’ to saying ‘No’.”

“The world can definitely benefit from hearing your voice – especially right now.”

“Neglecting our own health and wellbeing does not allow us to say ‘Yes’ to using our voice.”

“Smile, ‘Thank you’, shut up.”

“What is the best that could happen?”

“Me saying ‘Yes’ to them will mean the world to them.”

“I unconsciously was rejecting his help without even knowing it.”

“When you open yourself up for support, not only do you get the support you deserve, but the person giving it feels good, too.”

“Dreams are great, but they’re just dreams if you don’t actually act.”


Show Links:

‘Clear AF’ free workshop

Ascend Mastermind

Finding Your Power Through Core Values

5 Ways to Practice Saying 'No'

Year of Yes