Many people seem familiar with the notion of having a fear of failure, but what about the fear of success? This fear has been found to be strongest in women who are highly motivated to succeed, and yet many of us don’t even realize we have it. This is precisely why it is the topic of today’s episode.

We’ll begin by looking at imagining ‘big ass’ goals for yourself, and then I’ll introduce you to Matina Horner and the origins of this concept of fear of failure. We’ll review some of the reasons and ways that we experience this fear, and I’ll share some strategies to help you manage it. Recognizing fear of success and taking steps to address it will go a long way in keeping it from holding you back from achieving the success you have defined for yourself. Today, let’s join together in that journey.

Speaking of journeying together, I remain extremely excited to remind you that I have reopened my Ascend Mastermind to a new cohort! If you’re tired of playing small in your life and work, and you’re ready to identify what you want and how to get there (in a healthy way) while in community with like-minded women, then this Mastermind is definitely for you. Contact me at for further information.


The Finer Details of This Episode:

-   Imagining ‘big ass goals’

-   Matina Horner and the origins of the fear of success concept

-   Reasons and ways that this fear is experienced

-   Managing fear of success



“Fear of success is this thing that we carry around with us, but we don’t even know it’s there.”

“It’s not really a failure unless you don’t learn from it.”

“It’s far easier to imagine failure than to imagine success.”

“It’s only human to wonder whether you’ll be able to handle the challenge.”

“Look at your list of reasons you can’t and turn them into reasons you can…flip the negatives.”

“Everything comes down to stories.”

“You are deserving of playing bigger, doing more, having what you want, unapologetically.”


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Matina Horner and Fear of Success