As we find ourselves halfway through 2020, it’s a good time to revisit the goals that we made for this year and take an honest look at just where exactly we find ourselves at this point. While the world has certainly presented us with unexpected challenges over the first half of this year, we still have the whole second half left to recenter, refocus, recalibrate, and reset as necessary, and today’s episode will show you how.

In this episode, I walk you through the steps involved in my goal review exercise, guide you as you complete it for yourself, and share with you my own experience of completing it. I also review the impact that the events of the past few months can have upon the attainment of our goals, recommend a couple of past episodes which may prove beneficial to you in this whole process, and remind you of the importance of acknowledging and honoring everything you have already accomplished. This is an episode that will help you check in with yourself, identify those areas where you have control, create some little actions to focus on and manage, and maintain the stability, strength and motivation necessary to keep showing up and moving forward. You are capable of doing so much more than you think – let’s put in the work together to make that a reality in this second half of 2020.

I am also extremely excited to announce that I have reopened my Ascend Mastermind to a new cohort! If you’re in a place right now where you recognize that you need to uplevel your mindset, habits, and strategies to create the career or business and life that you want, then this Mastermind is definitely for you. Contact me at for further information.


The Finer Details of This Episode:

-  Kelly’s goal review exercise

-  Her experience of completing the exercise herself

-  The impact that the events of the past few months can have on goals

- Revisiting some past episodes

- The importance of acknowledging and honoring all the things you have done



“Get honest with yourself.”

“We’ve had major shifts in how we move through life, how we navigate day to day.”

“My priorities, my values, have changed so much in the last 4 months.”

“We’re all very different people than we were in January.”

“Give yourself some grace.”

“Asking yourself what you want through all of this is really important.”

“You’ve been doing a lot and you’ve been doing a good job…you are capable of so much more than you think – so much more.”


Show Links:

Join The Goal Getters Club Facebook group

Free Download “5 Steps to Setting Goals