How are you doing? These days, many of us are finding ourselves with time to be alone with our thoughts, and I know that, if there are aspects of our lives which we weren’t addressing before this all began, they can start to rear their ugly heads now. That’s precisely why, today, I’m sharing with you five ways to improve your energy and well-being.

In this episode, we will explore the ways that stress, sleep, exercise, nutrition, and the pursuit of perfection can affect our lives, and look at ways that we can avoid mistakes in these areas, and instead, move forward with each one of them. You will also be invited to respond to questions regarding the action you will choose to improve your energy and well-being, and I am looking forward to receiving your responses. I invite you to think of this episode as a baseline calling us to take a hard look at ourselves and do the work necessary to be our best selves, to participate in our well-being instead of fearing what’s going on in the world these days, and to make the purposeful choice to put our energy where it needs to go. I know you can do this, and I promise to show up whenever you need me to help support you along the way.

Again, I know things are uncertain out there, and because of that I’m opening up enrollment for my membership community early. Now is the time to be in community with like-minded women, gain support as you navigate these challenging times and be reminded to continue to create goals for right now and the future. Email me to learn more about the membership community at [email protected] or go to and submit your email address there.


The Finer Details of This Episode:

-   The dangers of stress and some strategies for managing it

- The importance of getting enough quality sleep and some strategies to achieve it

- Moving and exercising on a regular basis

- Taking care of your belly

- Trying to do everything perfectly

- Membership makeover and enrollment invitation



“The root cause of most doctors visits is stress.”

“If we’re not getting enough, or our sleep is not good quality, it wreaks havoc on everything.”

“Exercise tends to be one of the first things to go when you get too busy and too overwhelmed.”

“Our stomach definitely guides our overall health.”

“When we try to focus on doing everything perfectly, we just fall into self-doubt real fast, and we don’t act…perfect doesn’t exist…something is better than nothing.”

“You have the power and the choice to choose what you can control and what you can do to improve your energy and your wellbeing.”


Show Links:

Email Kelly: [email protected] 

Free checklist “5 Ways to Positively Manage Your Emotions”: 

6 Strategies for Scaling Down Stress in Your Life podcast:

Sleep Your Way to Healthy High Performance podcast: