As Brene Brown has been known to say, when you avoid conflict to make peace with other people, you start a war within.

She’s not wrong.

For women, there's a myth that we're supposed to do it all (and do it perfectly). Saying no elicits a whole bunch of inner shame - and a whole lot of dialogue that isn’t nice: "Who do you think you are?" "You're not a very good [mother/partner/colleague/friend]."

On today’s She Doesn’t Settle podcast episode I’m hoping to remind you that when we set boundaries, when we dare to say “no”, we are acting in a way that allows us to care about ourselves, even when we risk disappointing others.

We cannot base our own value on others' approval because it creates a war within (this is coming from someone who spent years trying to please everyone!).

When we learn to believe that we are enough, we can begin to say 'no', set boundaries, and prioritize our own time and needs. 

You are entitled to your own time. To prioritizing your well-being and your goals. ❤️

Tune in to listen to the full episode.

P.S. Ready to prioritize yourself? I’m taking on two more 1-1 clients starting in July. I’d love to work with you. Schedule a 15-minute call here to learn more.


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