Working inside a toxic organization or reporting to a boss who breathes toxicity is extremely difficult to endure and can ultimately wreak havoc on your wellbeing AND your confidence. Lately I’m seeing more and more articles and conversations about toxic workplaces (and boss’) — and I’m here for it. But, while companies are beginning to pay attention to the call outs and feedback, we’ve got a long way to go.

If you’re stuck in a toxic work environment or work for a toxic person, you may feel like your only option is to quit. But let’s be honest, not everyone has the luxury of being able to jump ship. If you’re like most people, you probably need to stick it out for awhile while you figure out your next move.

No problem, I’ve coached many individuals in this exact position… I’ve got you.

On this episode Kelly is sharing five actions you can take (that are within your control) so that you can navigate the situation and maintain your wellbeing.

P.S. Kelly is taking on a few new one-on-one clients starting in June and if you are in this situation, we can absolutely work on maintaining your wellbeing while figuring out your next step.

Schedule a 15 minute call to discuss right here.

