The WHO included burnout in it’s international classification of diseases in 2019, describing it as a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed. It is characterized by energy depletion, mental distance from ones job, and reduced professional efficacy

And here’s the thing, it isn’t just an employee problem, it’s an organization problem that involves the organization helping with a solution.

Burnout is on the rise because we’re ignoring the major, engrained factors that are the real causes of burnout. It’s not about the people.

Yes, yoga, wellness apps, vacation time and EAP’s a wonderful benefits that help people feel better, but when it comes to preventing burnout — these tools are NOT the solution. 

Listen to today’s She Doesn’t Settle episode to learn more about the causes of burnout and a few things you can do that are in your control.

Show Links:

Burnout workshop

Work with Kelly

