The plague—well, its non-lethal variant—has swept over the Travis household, which has left yours truly and my kids more or less incapacitated. Remember how in last week’s episode I discussed how our brain can trip us up as we get closer to our goal? Well, sometimes the obstacles are external and completely out of our control. Like the flu. In these moments, we can either let the roadblock stop us from finishing or we find a way around it. I always opt to find a different route and I hope you will too.

For this special occasion I’m revisiting one of the early interviews from my previous series, Healthy High Performer. My guest, Stefanie Frank is a TEDx speaker, copywriter, and co-founder of ‪Frankly Good Coffee‬, a company that believes in facilitating conversations around creative ideas and supporting innovation for themselves and others. She’s gone toe-to-toe with that limiting voice we all know that says “you can’t do that”, and learned how to push through it. Stefanie is passionate about the importance creativity plays in everyone’s life and wants it to be celebrated - which is why it’s the theme in her own business. To boot, she’s also part of my Mastermind group, Ascend.

In this episode, Stefanie explores the unexpected path she’s taken to get where she is now, reveals the personal and very physical challenge she overcame, and suggests some handy ways you can unleash your hidden creative talents.

The Finer Details of This Episode:

- How Stefanie went from working as a litigation attorney, to writing copy for various websites, to founding her own coffee company, and what prompted her to shift gears in such a major way.

- Why Stefanie’s husband Glen was key to pushing her from being unhealthy, overwhelmed and depressed to making a major change and pursuing a new dream.

- The little voice in Stefanie’s head that pushed her to complete a triathlon and eventually the Silverman.

- How exercise played a role in shifting  Stefanie’s confidence and how it helps her in her career.

- The role creativity plays in Stefanie’s personal well-being and how she manages Frankly Good Coffee.

- Understanding the forms creativity can take, and how to foster your own creative impulses.

- How Stefanie’s fear of judgment has complicated her drive for success.

- The three main men in Stefanie’s life and why’ve they’ve been incredibly important to her success.

- The novel that made Stefanie realize that even the biggest, most complicated stories can come together in the end.

- Stefanie’s challenge to listeners that she hopes you will take action on.


“I would have risked my relationship if I had ignored all that and kept going.”

“If you’re gonna hire a coach, you should really have due diligence and make sure it’s a good match.”

“I knew I could do whatever I set my mind to.”

“Exercise has the obvious physical benefits but it keeps me straight mentally too.”

“I believe everyone is creative innately even if you don’t work in a ‘creative job’.”

“Sometimes you need to write the actual crappy thoughts that you’re having and you can just let them go more easily.”

Guest Links:

Stefanie’s homepage -

Fuel Your Creative Ideas podcast -

Frankly Good Coffee -

Frankly Good Coffee on Instagram -

“Tell Relevant Stories” TEDx Talk -

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