Episode #73: Thank you so much for listening to another episode of the SHE DID IT podcast. Today I am talking about how to make SOMETHING from NOTHING. Often times we allow our current circumstances to stop us from achieving our full potential. There's always a way. I am so excited because I have a very special guest. Her name is Jennifer Peyton and she is an absolute inspiration. Jennifer grew up in a poverty-stricken area in the Appalachian mountains. She lived in a shack of a house and survived mostly on food that was either grown or killed. She was constantly rejected for being the poorest of the poor but she found a way to conquer her fears and obstacles. During her search for a better life, she graduated from college with three degrees and is now married, with two children, and a successful business of her own. She is proof that anything is possible when you set your mind to it.

Jennifer is the founder of the Coffee and Creativity Blog and a certified e-mail marketing/ sales funnel specialist. At Coffee and Creativity, she coaches overwhelmed entrepreneurs and helps them to create a high impact business using e-mail marketing, profitable sales funnels, and intentional planning. She is quite the go getter and a great example of someone who never gave up. Grab your notes because this is going to be a great episode!

If you found this episode valuable, please leave a review :) I would be so grateful!


Jennifer's free gift for you: Goal Setting Planner: https://app.convertkit.com/forms/designers/925715/edit)

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Website: www.sydneynanberg.com

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